Are Fractional Shares Worth Buying

Are Fractional Shares Worth Buying?


Investing in the stock market can seem daunting, especially for beginners who may not have large sums of money to invest. However, the emergence of fractional shares has made it easier for individuals to enter the world of investing without breaking the bank. Fractional shares are small portions of a single share of stock, allowing investors to own a fraction of a company’s stock rather than purchasing a whole share.

This article will explore the advantages and disadvantages of investing in fractional shares, as well as the benefits and where you can buy them. By the end, you’ll have a better understanding of whether or not fractional shares are worth buying.

What are Fractional Shares?

Fractional shares, also known as fractional stocks, are portions of a single share of stock. Instead of buying a whole share, investors can purchase a fraction of a share for a lesser amount. This allows investors to own a stake in a company without having to buy a full share.

Advantages of Investing in Fractional Shares

There are several advantages to investing in fractional shares:

  1. Accessibility: Fractional shares make it possible for investors with limited funds to invest in high-priced stocks. Instead of needing to buy a full share, investors can purchase a fraction of a share that fits within their budget.
  2. Diversification: Fractional shares enable investors to diversify their portfolios by owning small portions of different stocks. This allows for a more balanced investment strategy and reduces the risk associated with holding a single stock.
  3. Flexibility: Investing in fractional shares provides flexibility in terms of the amount of money to be invested. Investors can choose the exact dollar amount they want to invest, which can be helpful for those who prefer to invest smaller sums or have a specific allocation in mind.
  4. Stock Splits: Fractional shares can also be obtained through stock splits. When a company undergoes a stock split, existing shareholders receive additional shares, and fractional shares are created. This can be an opportunity for investors to acquire fractional shares of a company they are interested in.

Disadvantages of Investing in Fractional Shares

While there are advantages, it is important to consider the potential disadvantages of investing in fractional shares:

  1. Limited Control: Investing in fractional shares may limit an investor’s ability to exercise certain rights that come with owning full shares, such as voting rights or attending shareholder meetings.
  2. Trading Restrictions: Some brokerage platforms may have restrictions on trading fractional shares, including limitations on buying or selling during certain times or higher transaction fees.
  3. Market Volatility: Fractional shares can be subject to market volatility, similar to full shares. This means that the value of the fractional shares can fluctuate, potentially resulting in gains or losses.

Advantages of Investing in Fractional Shares


One of the major advantages of investing in fractional shares is the ability to diversify your investment portfolio. With fractional shares, you can invest in a wide range of companies from different industries, rather than putting all your eggs in one basket. This allows you to spread your investment risk and potentially minimize losses.

Lower Investment Amount

Another benefit of fractional shares is that they allow you to invest in high-priced stocks that you might not be able to afford otherwise. For example, if a single share of a particular company’s stock is trading at $1,000, you may not have enough capital to purchase a full share. However, with fractional shares, you can invest as little as $10 or $100 and still own a fraction of that share.


Fractional shares also make investing more accessible to a wider range of investors. In the past, investing in the stock market was often limited to those who had large amounts of capital. Fractional shares remove this barrier and allow individuals with smaller amounts of money to participate in the stock market and potentially benefit from its long-term growth.


Investing in fractional shares provides more flexibility in managing your investments. You can choose to invest in specific companies or sectors that you believe have strong growth potential. Additionally, fractional shares allow you to easily rebalance your portfolio by selling or buying fractions of shares, depending on your investment strategy.

Dividend Reinvestment

Many companies pay dividends to their shareholders, which can be reinvested to purchase additional shares. Fractional shares enable you to reinvest even small dividend amounts and compound your investment over time. This can accelerate the growth of your portfolio without having to wait for a substantial dividend payment to purchase a whole share.

Overall, investing in fractional shares offers several advantages, including diversification, lower investment amounts, accessibility, flexibility, and the opportunity for dividend reinvestment. Before investing, it’s important to consider the potential disadvantages and evaluate your own investment goals and risk tolerance.

Disadvantages of Investing in Fractional Shares

Limited Selection

One of the main disadvantages of investing in fractional shares is the limited selection of stocks available. Not all companies offer fractional shares, so you may be limited to investing in only a handful of popular companies.

Difficulty in Portfolio Management

Investing in fractional shares can make portfolio management more challenging. When you own fractional shares in multiple companies, it can become difficult to keep track of your investments and make informed decisions about your portfolio.

Higher Fees

Some brokerage firms charge higher fees for fractional shares compared to whole shares. This can eat into your returns and make it less cost-effective to invest in smaller increments.

Limited Control and Voting Rights

When you own fractional shares, you have limited control and voting rights compared to owning whole shares. This means you may have less influence in company decisions and governance.

Potential Illiquidity

In some cases, fractional shares may be less liquid than whole shares. If there is low trading volume for a particular fractional share, it may be difficult to buy or sell the shares at the desired price.

Potential Tax Implications

Investing in fractional shares could potentially lead to more complex tax situations. The fractional ownership of shares may result in additional paperwork, especially during tax season.

While investing in fractional shares has its disadvantages, it is important to consider your individual investment goals and circumstances before making a decision. It is advisable to consult with a financial advisor to determine if investing in fractional shares aligns with your overall investment strategy.

What are the Benefits of Investing in Fractional Shares?

Access to High-Priced Stocks

One of the major benefits of investing in fractional shares is that it allows you to access high-priced stocks that may otherwise be out of reach for individual investors. Fractional shares enable you to invest in a portion of a single share, making it possible to diversify your portfolio and invest in popular or expensive stocks such as Amazon or Google. This can be particularly beneficial for investors with limited funds who want to invest in well-established companies with a high share price.


Fractional shares also offer the advantage of diversification. By investing in fractional shares of different companies across various sectors, you can spread your investment risk. This means that if one company or sector underperforms, the overall impact on your portfolio will be minimized. Diversification is a fundamental strategy in investing, as it helps to mitigate risk and potentially enhance returns.

Cost-Effective Investing

Investing in fractional shares can be a cost-effective way to invest in the stock market. Traditional investing often involves buying whole shares, which can be expensive. Fractional shares allow you to invest smaller amounts of money, making it more affordable for individual investors. Additionally, fractional shares often come with lower transaction fees, as compared to buying whole shares. This makes it a cost-effective option for investors who want to invest in a specific company but don’t have enough capital to purchase a full share.

Automatic Reinvestment of Dividends

Many brokerage platforms that offer fractional shares also provide the option for automatic reinvestment of dividends. This means that any dividends earned from your fractional shares will be reinvested into additional fractional shares of the same company. This can help accelerate the growth of your investment over time, as you continue to accumulate more shares without any additional effort.

Flexibility and Control

Investing in fractional shares gives you greater flexibility and control over your investment. You have the freedom to choose the specific companies and stocks you want to invest in, regardless of their share price. Additionally, you can adjust your investment amount as per your budget and financial goals. Fractional shares offer the convenience of investing in companies you believe in, without the limitations of having to invest a large sum of money.

Overall, investing in fractional shares can provide individual investors with access to high-priced stocks, diversification, cost-effective investing, automatic reinvestment of dividends, and greater flexibility and control over their investment portfolio. However, it is important to consider both the advantages and disadvantages before making any investment decisions.

Where Can I Buy Fractional Shares?

Investing in fractional shares has become increasingly popular in recent years, and there are now several platforms that allow investors to buy and sell fractional shares. Here are a few options:

Online Stock Brokerages

Many online stock brokerages now offer the option to buy fractional shares. These platforms provide a user-friendly interface and a wide range of investment options. Some popular online brokerages that offer fractional shares include Robinhood, Fidelity, and Charles Schwab.


Robo-advisors are automated investment platforms that use algorithms to manage and optimize portfolios. Some robo-advisors, such as Betterment and Wealthfront, allow investors to buy fractional shares. These platforms often offer additional features like automatic rebalancing and tax-loss harvesting.

Direct Stock Purchase Plans (DSPPs)

Some companies offer direct stock purchase plans (DSPPs) that allow investors to buy fractional shares directly from the company. These plans typically have low or no fees and can be a good option for long-term investors. However, not all companies offer DSPPs, so availability may be limited.

Fractional Share Investing Apps

There are also a number of mobile apps that allow investors to buy fractional shares. These apps often provide a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy for beginners to start investing. Popular fractional share investing apps include Stash, Acorns, and M1 Finance.

Before choosing a platform to buy fractional shares, it’s important to consider factors such as fees, investment options, customer support, and user experience. Take the time to research and compare different platforms to find the one that best fits your investment goals and preferences.


In conclusion, investing in fractional shares can be a worthwhile strategy for many investors. It allows individuals to own a portion of a high-priced stock that they otherwise may not have been able to afford. This opens up opportunities for diversification and potential returns in the stock market. Additionally, fractional shares can be purchased through reputable stock brokerages, making it a legitimate investment option.

However, it is important to consider the disadvantages of investing in fractional shares. This includes the potential for higher fees and the lack of voting rights that come with owning a whole share. It is also crucial to thoroughly research and understand the company and the stock before making any investment decisions.

Ultimately, the decision to invest in fractional shares should be based on an individual’s financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment strategy. It is recommended to consult with a financial advisor or do thorough research before making any investment decisions.

FinBrain Technologies
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