What are Cyclical Stocks

What are Cyclical Stocks? Let’s find out


In the world of investing, different stocks respond in various ways to the overall economic environment. One of the key categories that investors should understand is cyclical stocks. These stocks have a close relationship with the economy, moving up and down in response to changes in economic conditions. But what exactly are cyclical stocks, and how can they fit into an investment strategy? In this post, we’ll explore the characteristics, examples, risks, and strategies associated with cyclical stocks.

Characteristics of Cyclical Stocks

Cyclical stocks are known for their close correlation with the economic cycle. These stocks tend to rise during periods of economic prosperity and fall during recessions. Let’s delve deeper into the key characteristics that set cyclical stocks apart from other types of stocks:

Sensitivity to Economic Cycles

Cyclical stocks, as their name implies, move in cycles. They are highly sensitive to the overall health of the economy. During periods of economic expansion, these stocks often outperform the market because consumers and businesses have more discretionary income to spend. Conversely, when the economy contracts, their performance tends to suffer significantly as spending decreases.


Cyclical stocks are generally more volatile than other types of stocks, such as defensive or non-cyclical stocks. This is because their fortunes are tightly bound to economic fluctuations. For investors, this means the potential for higher returns, but it also comes with a higher level of risk.

High Beta

In finance, beta is a measure of a stock’s volatility in relation to the overall market. Cyclical stocks typically have a high beta, often greater than 1. This means that these stocks are expected to exhibit larger price swings compared to the overall market. For example, if a cyclical stock has a beta of 1.5, it is theoretically 50% more volatile than the market.

Earnings Sensitivity

The earnings of companies with cyclical stocks are highly dependent on the economic cycle. In boom times, these companies can post impressive profits, but in a downturn, they might face severe losses. This sensitivity is often reflected in their stock prices, which can rise sharply in good times and fall dramatically when earnings decline.

Dividend Variability

While some cyclical companies pay dividends, the amounts can vary significantly from one period to another. Unlike defensive stocks, which often pay consistent dividends, cyclical companies may reduce or eliminate their dividends during economic downturns to preserve capital.

Market Timing Importance

Investing successfully in cyclical stocks often involves a degree of market timing — buying when the economy is poised for growth and selling before it contracts. This can be challenging and requires a keen understanding of economic indicators.

Sector Dependence

Cyclical stocks are often found in specific sectors that are particularly sensitive to economic cycles, including consumer discretionary, manufacturing, and travel and leisure. The performance of these sectors can serve as a bellwether for cyclical stocks more broadly.

Common Sectors for Cyclical Stocks

Cyclical stocks are often found in industries that thrive when the economy is booming and consumers are spending more freely, but suffer when the economy slows and consumers cut back on spending. Here are some of the sectors where cyclical stocks are commonly found, along with examples and explanations:

Consumer Discretionary

Consumer discretionary companies produce or sell non-essential goods and services that are in demand when consumers have extra income to spend. This sector includes:

  • Retailers: Such as Macy’s and Amazon, that sell clothing, electronics, and other non-essential goods.
  • Automakers: Such as Ford and General Motors, which tend to sell more vehicles when the economy is strong.
  • Leisure Companies: Such as Carnival Corporation (cruise operators) and MGM Resorts (casinos and hotels), that benefit from increased consumer travel and leisure spending.

Basic Materials

Companies in this sector are involved in the discovery, development, and processing of raw materials. They often prosper when industries are expanding production. Examples include:

  • Mining Companies: Such as BHP Group and Rio Tinto, which extract and process minerals that are in high demand during periods of economic growth.
  • Chemical Companies: Such as Dow and DuPont, which produce materials that are essential for a wide range of industries.


Financial institutions, like banks and investment firms, generally do well when the economy is growing. Key players in this sector include:

  • Banks: Such as JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America, which benefit from increased lending and higher interest rates.
  • Insurance Companies: Such as Allstate and AIG, that may see increased policy sales and investment income in strong economies.
  • Asset Managers: Such as BlackRock and Vanguard, which profit from increased investments when individuals and institutions are feeling confident.

Real Estate

A booming economy often means a thriving real estate market, as people are more likely to buy property and businesses are more likely to expand. Key examples in this sector include:

  • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): Such as Simon Property Group and Equity Residential, that own or finance income-producing real estate across a range of property sectors.
  • Property Developers: Such as D.R. Horton and Lennar Corporation, that construct and sell residential and commercial properties.

Industrial and Manufacturing

When the economy is expanding, there is typically a greater demand for manufactured goods and for the machinery used to produce those goods. Players in this sector include:

  • Heavy Machinery Manufacturers: Such as Caterpillar and John Deere, which produce equipment used in construction, agriculture, and other industries.
  • Aerospace and Defense Companies: Such as Boeing and Lockheed Martin, that benefit from increased orders during prosperous times.


While technology can be a mixed sector, certain segments are closely tied to economic cycles. For example:

  • Hardware and Equipment Manufacturers: Such as Dell and Cisco, which may see increased orders for their products when businesses are expanding.
  • Consumer Electronics Companies: Such as Apple and Sony, which may sell more gadgets and devices when consumers have more disposable income.

Investing Strategies for Cyclical Stocks

Investing in cyclical stocks requires a strategic approach due to their volatile nature. These stocks can offer significant rewards during economic booms but carry substantial risks during downturns. Here are several strategies investors might consider when approaching cyclical stocks:

Timing the Market

Investors may attempt to time their investments in cyclical stocks to coincide with the ups and downs of the economy.

  • Buying Low: The idea here is to buy cyclical stocks when the economy is at or near a low point in its cycle. This might be when a recession is ending, and recovery is beginning.
  • Selling High: Conversely, investors aim to sell these stocks when the economy is at or near a peak, before a potential downturn.

Example: Purchasing shares of a travel company when economic indicators suggest a pending upturn, and selling when economic conditions appear to peak.


To mitigate the risks associated with the volatile nature of cyclical stocks, investors may incorporate them as part of a diversified portfolio.

  • Balancing with Defensive Stocks: Investors can balance cyclical stocks with defensive stocks (e.g., utility or healthcare stocks), which tend to be more stable during economic downturns.
  • Global Diversification: Investors might consider diversifying geographically, holding cyclical stocks from various countries or regions to reduce dependence on one economy.

Example: Holding a mix of cyclical stocks in the technology sector and non-cyclical stocks in the utilities sector.

Risk Management

Given the volatility of cyclical stocks, it is vital for investors to employ stringent risk management strategies.

  • Setting Stop-Loss Orders: Investors can use stop-loss orders to limit potential losses. This is an order placed with a broker to buy or sell a stock once it reaches a certain price.
  • Limiting Position Size: Investors might choose to limit how much of their portfolio is invested in cyclical stocks to minimize potential damage from a downturn.

Example: Setting a stop-loss order for 10% below the purchase price of a cyclical stock to cap potential losses.

Sector Rotation

Sector rotation involves moving investments from one sector of the economy to another, based on economic cycle stages.

  • Early-Cycle Phase: Investors might favor sectors like consumer discretionary and technology immediately after a recession when the economy starts to recover.
  • Late-Cycle Phase: As the economy peaks, investors might rotate into more defensive sectors like healthcare or utilities, which tend to be more stable.

Example: Shifting investments from consumer discretionary stocks to healthcare stocks as economic indicators begin to signal the late stage of an economic expansion.

Contrarian Investing

Contrarian investing involves going against prevailing market trends. Contrarian investors might buy cyclical stocks when pessimism about the economy is high and prices are low, anticipating a future recovery.

Example: Buying shares of a manufacturing company when widespread economic pessimism has driven the stock price significantly below its intrinsic value.

Risks of Investing in Cyclical Stocks

While cyclical stocks can offer significant rewards, they come with a set of unique risks due to their sensitivity to economic conditions. Here are some of the key risks that investors should be aware of:

Economic Downturns

  • Description: Cyclical stocks are highly sensitive to the health of the economy. When the economy enters a recession, these stocks are often hit hard as consumer spending decreases and businesses cut back on expenses.
  • Example: In a recession, people may delay buying a new car, which can lead to decreased sales for automakers—a classic example of a cyclical industry.

High Volatility

  • Description: Due to their close correlation with economic cycles, cyclical stocks can be much more volatile than non-cyclical or defensive stocks. This means that they can have larger price swings, which can be a double-edged sword—higher potential returns but greater potential losses.
  • Example: The stock price of a travel company may surge when economic conditions are favorable but plummet when a recession hits, resulting in volatile investment returns.

Timing Challenges

  • Description: Successfully investing in cyclical stocks often involves an element of timing—buying low during a downturn and selling high during an upturn. But timing the market accurately is notoriously difficult, even for seasoned investors.
  • Example: An investor may buy shares of a retail company expecting an economic recovery that takes longer to materialize, resulting in prolonged losses.

Dividend Risk

  • Description: Unlike defensive stocks, which tend to have stable and consistent dividends, cyclical companies might reduce or eliminate their dividends during economic downturns. This can be disappointing for income-focused investors.
  • Example: During a severe economic downturn, a construction company might suspend its dividend payments to conserve cash, impacting investors who rely on that income.

Leverage Risk

  • Description: Some cyclical companies use significant amounts of debt to finance their operations. While this can boost returns during good times, it can become a crippling burden when revenues decline.
  • Example: An airline, which typically operates with high fixed costs and debt levels, may struggle to service its debt during a prolonged period of low demand, potentially leading to bankruptcy.

Geopolitical and Regulatory Risks

  • Description: Cyclical companies, particularly those in sectors like energy and basic materials, can be highly sensitive to geopolitical events and changes in government policies and regulations.
  • Example: A mining company with significant operations in a politically unstable region may face disruptions due to conflicts or regulatory changes, impacting its stock price negatively.

Interest Rate Sensitivity

  • Description: Rising interest rates can be a significant headwind for cyclical stocks, as they often lead to decreased consumer and business spending and can increase a company’s borrowing costs.
  • Example: In a rising interest rate environment, a homebuilder may see decreased demand for new homes as mortgage rates climb, reducing its revenues and potentially its stock price.

Rewards of Investing in Cyclical Stocks

While cyclical stocks are known for their potential risks due to their close correlation with the economy, they also present attractive opportunities for gains when approached with a well-thought-out strategy. Here are some of the key rewards that investors may reap:

Significant Profit Potential

  • Description: When the economy is in a growth phase, cyclical stocks can perform exceptionally well, often delivering higher returns than defensive or non-cyclical stocks. This is because they tend to benefit most from increased consumer and business spending during good times.
  • Example: During an economic recovery, shares of a luxury goods retailer might soar as consumer confidence and spending increases, offering significant capital gains to its investors.

Capitalizing on Economic Recoveries

  • Description: For investors who can accurately time market cycles, cyclical stocks offer a way to profit from economic recoveries. Buying these stocks at the bottom of a cycle and selling them as the economy improves can result in substantial gains.
  • Example: An investor who purchased shares of a travel company at the depths of a recession may see substantial returns as the economy recovers and travel demand rebounds.

Portfolio Diversification

  • Description: Adding cyclical stocks to a portfolio can provide a level of diversification, which is key to managing risk. While they may be volatile on their own, when mixed with defensive stocks, they can help to balance a portfolio.
  • Example: An investor with a portfolio heavily weighted towards utilities and healthcare may add technology and consumer discretionary stocks to introduce a cyclical component that might outperform during economic upswings.

Opportunities for Active Management

  • Description: Because cyclical stocks are closely tied to the health of the economy, they can present fruitful opportunities for active investors who enjoy researching, analyzing, and timing their investments based on economic trends.
  • Example: An active investor might study economic indicators and corporate earnings reports to make informed decisions about when to buy or sell cyclical stocks, potentially outperforming the broader market.

Dividend Growth Potential

  • Description: While cyclical companies might cut dividends during downturns, they often start and grow dividends during prolonged periods of economic prosperity. For investors, this can lead to an attractive growing income stream during boom cycles.
  • Example: An automotive company that performs exceptionally well during an economic boom might initiate and subsequently increase its dividend payments, providing a valuable income source for shareholders.

Inflation Hedge

  • Description: In some instances, cyclical stocks can act as a hedge against inflation. As prices rise, companies in cyclical industries may have the ability to pass those costs on to consumers in the form of higher prices, which can lead to increased revenues and potentially higher stock prices.
  • Example: During a period of high inflation, a construction company might be able to increase the prices it charges for new buildings, helping to preserve the value of its stock.


Investing in cyclical stocks is akin to a sophisticated dance with the economy. These stocks, which move in close harmony with the broader economic cycles, offer both enticing opportunities and inherent challenges. Understanding the nuances of this category of investments is crucial for anyone considering taking the plunge.

A Double-Edged Sword

Cyclical stocks are often viewed as a double-edged sword. On one side, they offer significant profit potential during periods of economic expansion. Their prices can soar as consumer confidence and spending rise, often outperforming defensive stocks in a booming economy. On the other side, they are highly sensitive to economic downturns. As the economy contracts, cyclical stocks can experience severe declines, making timing and risk management paramount for investors.

The Importance of Strategy

Success with cyclical stocks often hinges on strategy. From market timing, diversification, and risk management to sector rotation and contrarian investing, savvy investors employ various tactics to navigate the volatility of these stocks. Each of these strategies requires a deep understanding of economic indicators, a keen eye on market trends, and often, a fair amount of patience.

Diversification as a Key Principle

Given the volatility and risk associated with cyclical stocks, diversification stands out as a key principle. By blending cyclical stocks with defensive or non-cyclical stocks, investors can create a more balanced and resilient portfolio. This diversification can help to smooth out the investment journey, offering a level of protection when economic storms roll in.

Consult with a Professional

Due to the complex nature of cyclical stocks and the economic factors that influence them, consulting with a financial advisor is often a wise move. These professionals can offer tailored advice based on an individual’s financial situation, risk tolerance, and investment goals. They can help to craft a strategy that incorporates cyclical stocks in a manner that aligns with an investor’s broader financial plan.

Final Thoughts

In the world of investing, cyclical stocks represent a compelling, though challenging, frontier. For those with the knowledge, strategy, and fortitude to engage with them, they can be a valuable component of a well-rounded investment portfolio. As with all investments, however, they should be approached with care, consideration, and where appropriate, professional guidance.

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